- Professor, Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
- Principal Investigator, Seattle Children's Research Institute
Linked information
- philip.morgan(at)seattlechildrens.org
Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine, Seattle Children's Research Institute
Research Interest
Research in the Morgan lab is focused on the role of mitochondrial function in disease, anesthetic response and aging. We primarily utilize mutants in C. elegans and mice to uncover genetic factors that modulate mitochondrial biochemistry.
Selected publications
Suthammarak W, Morgan PG, Sedensky MM. (2010). Mutations in mitochondrial complex III uniquely affect complex I in Caenorhabditis elegans. J Biol Chem, 285; 40724-31.
Pfeiffer M, Kayser EB, Yang X, Abramson E, Kenaston MA, Lago CU, Lo HH, Sedensky MM, Lunceford A, Clarke CF, Su SJ, McLeod C, Finkel T, Morgan PG*, Mills EM*. (2011). Caenorhabditis elegans UCP4 controls complex II-mediated oxidative phosphorylation through succinate transport. J Biol Chem, 286; 37712-20. (*, co-senior authors)
Quintana A*, Morgan PG*, Kruse SE, Palmiter RD, Sedensky MM. (2012). Altered anesthetic sensitivity of mice lacking Ndufs4, a subunit of mitochondrial complex I. PLoS One, 7;e42904. PMCID: PMC3422219 (*, co-first authors).
Suthammarak W, Somerlot BH, Opheim E, Sedensky M, Morgan PG. (2013). Novel interactions between mitochondrial superoxide dismutases and the electron transport chain. Aging Cell, 12 (6): 1132-40.
Johnson SC, Yanos ME, Kayser EB, Quintana A, Sangesland M, Castanza A, Uhde L, Hui J, Wall VZ, Gagnidze A, Oh K, Wasko BM, Ramos FJ, Palmiter RD, Rabinovitch PS, Morgan PG, Sedensky MM, Kaeberlein M. (2013). mTOR inhibition alleviates mitochondrial disease in a mouse model of Leigh syndrome. Science, 342 (6165):1524-8