UW Medicine

Anna Gillespie

Anna Gillespie


Assistant Professor





The Gillespie Lab strives to understand how the neural mechanisms underlying memory processes degrade over the course of healthy aging and in the context of neurodegenerative disease. The lab uses in vivo electrophysiology to record simultaneously from hundreds of hippocampal neurons in rats as they learn and perform complex memory-dependent tasks. We use advanced computational […]

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Aakanksha Singhvi

Aakanksha Singhvi


Assistant Professor, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Affiliate Assistant Professor, Dept. Biological Structure, UW School of Medicine





Dr. Singhvi’s lab investigates the role of glia in neural function, aging and disease. Our nervous system has two major cell types, glia and neurons, in about equal numbers. Glia communicate with neurons to modulate neuron shape and function, and thereby neural circuit activity and animal behaviors. To define the molecular basis of neural aging, […]

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